Saturday 19 October 2024

The falling leaves drift by the window

Meet Juglans nigra, the eastern American Black Walnut tree. It's particularly stunning in autumn, especially in a country park or arboretum. But where is this one? In the back garden of a terraced house in Wood Green, overshadowing our, and several neighbouring gardens.

Why on earth would we call such a splendid specimen a "bastard weed tree" [an epithet usually reserved for the grubby and dastardly sycamores that overhang the other side of the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers]?


Every year, the chore of clearing all this crap just gets worse...

Sigh. Here's something appropriate - and rather jolly - to take our minds off it:

What that boy can do with his carrot and bongos is amazing!


  1. Well, it is a beautiful tree, but don't the oblivious, beautiful ones always leave you to clear up the mess they leave in their wake?

    P.S. That boy could do with someone to hold his massive carrot while he bangs his bongos, don't you think?

    1. Oh, I've met a few "oblivious, beautiful ones" in my time - but they can clear up their own mess! I would, however, love to cut Juglans nigra off in its prime!

      Yes, I was rather taken with that young man scratching his huge carrot... Jx

  2. We had a house surrounded by our own woods. We let the leaves fall in the woods. We raked the garden. But our neighbors trees dumped their leaves weeks later after ours had been raked a couple of times. Oh, did that piss me off!

    1. It's the same here - first it's the sycamore seeds, then the walnut leaves, then after both are dealt with, the sycamores drop their leaves. Bastards. Jx


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