Friday 25 October 2024

So bring your good times and your laughter too

Another busy week draws to a close and, true to form after a beautiful sunny and warm week, it's gone quite gloomy and grey out there. The garden is inches deep in leaves, so I hope it doesn't rain before we have had a chance to get them swept up and into bin bags.

Never mind all that for the moment - we have a tradition to keep up to welcome in another much-needed weekend - a Celebration indeed! Albeit with a "McClintock twist"...

Thank Disco Mash-ups It's Friday!

Have a great weekend, dear reader!


  1. Id like to celebrate with you, but SG is asleep next to me and I have to be quiet.

    1. Oh, the temptation to just go "Whoo-hoo!" out loud, as the song starts, must be killing you... Jx


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