Monday 28 October 2024

it's an open smile on a friendly shore

Yep. It's here again. Another joyful week in work beckons...

News on the weekend of the departure of Mr Jack Jones - a singer so laid-back and middle-of-the-road he made Andy Williams seem like Lemmy from Motorhead by comparison - for the Tiki Lounge in Fabulon has given me a chance to play one of his more famous numbers.

It's not the godawful misogynistic Wives and Lovers. On this Tacky Music Monday, it could only be this!

Have a good week, dear reader...


  1. Sad news but he was never one of my faves and I never knowingly saw an episode of Love boat.

    1. Me neither - I never watched Love Boat (and really hated Fantasy Island). As for Mr Jones, I paid him no attention whatsoever. We had Val Doonican to provide us with our cringeworthy "easy listening" music, after all. Jx


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