Wednesday 7 July 2021

Indulge yourself...'s World Chocolate Day today!

We know a song about that, don't we, kiddie-winkies?


  1. I love chocolate! And caramel and Chocolate and caramel together! Yum!

    Also, Sorry for the confusion, Proxima Blue and Melanie Reynolds are the same person. I just needed to separate parts of myself. The writing side of me is not suitable for everyone. I'm trying to carve two paths for myself at once.

    1. You're more than welcome to indulge on some chocolate here, no matter what you decide to call yourself these days!

      "Now, you listen to your Auntie Vida. I want you to believe in yourself, imagine good things and moisturise, I cannot stress this enough." Jx

    2. Thank you! :) Everyone needs chocolate, hugs, support and moisturizer now and then!

  2. I suppose I could have my arm twisted for some chocolate today.....

  3. I love the choreography and style of Kylie's "Chocolate" almost as much as chocolate itself!
    Had I have known it was WCD earlier on, I would have popped out and bought a massive bar/box of chocolate, but instead, all I managed was a tiny little Freddo bar that I was saving for Count Podgkinson. Ah, well... There's one left for him.

  4. Love Kylie. Her last album, Disco was played non-stop through the spring. I adore her. What did you think of it, Jon?

    1. I thought it was a good, if not great, Kylie album - the singles were excellent, but some tracks were a bit forgettable. I must give it another go some time... Jx

  5. It's World chocolate day every day as far as I'm concerned!


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