Friday 2 July 2021

Life's a festival, so try some letting go

As ever, a gratuitous totty-holding-a-flag photo is in order, methinks.

Yesterday, it was Canada's turn. This Sunday, there's another celebration across the pond, that of a much bloodier departure of an ex-colony from the British Empire...

So let's combine the occasion with our traditional party preparations for the looming weekend, grab our glittery tasselly frocks with matching berets (just like the faboo Ritchie Family, with a most appropriate choon) - and Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a good weekend peeps - Yank or no Yank!


  1. Nothing says a parotitic holiday like a flag and some cakes!

  2. Good weekend? Too much rain.... too much football.... good job I have a good book and a raincoat.

    1. It's been rather damp here, too - thank heavens for Radio 2, I say! Jx


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