While we throw away our lives at work, the BBC's Sophie Raworth and the like do an hour a day maximum. Here’s the best careers if you like a doss:Newsreader
Not only are you doing a couple of bulletins a day with the afternoon off to spend in the pub, the outside reporters and correspondents do all the work finding stories and telling viewers about them. Add in the adverts and weather and sport and it’s maybe 30 minutes graft.
It’s an easy life. Three hours a day of talking a bit then playing a record. And the producer pushes the button that plays the record, and if you’re lucky enough to be on commercial radio they put lengthy ad-breaks before the songs, and on classical radio the songs last 40 minutes. Basically a series of interrupted naps.
A 100-metre sprinter needs to be finishing their only job in around ten seconds. Even if they ran nine races a day that’s 90 seconds. The rest of the time they’re training, but training’s eating pasta and chicken and going for a jog now and again. You only have to work late once every four years, at the Olympics.
Mattress shop salesmen
Every time you go in a mattress shop, once a decade at most, there’s two members of staff both bored shitless. Given you’re the first customer they’ve seen all week you’d think they’d be pleased to see you, but it’s work innit?
Airline pilots
Airline cockpits are crammed with complicated machinery and thousands of switches, buttons and dials. But it’s an open secret that planes fly on autopilot, with pilots only doing takeoff and landings. They sit with their feet up doing the Puzzler just like security guards. However unlike security guards they can’t nip out for a spliff.
National football team manager
No offence to the great Gareth Southgate, who’s doing a fantastic job, but he’s not going to work another solid month until next winter. With the best will in the world there’s only so much management you can do when the players are scattered across a continent. Still deserves to be knighted.
Of course.
I'm back in the office again...
I hear working is awful, just awful.
ReplyDelete"I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours." - Jerome K. Jerome
Do something you love, they all told me - but as soon as I did then the hate grew.
I keep reciting the mantra: "It pays the bills." Never mind, there's always the Lottery... Jx
DeleteHope all goes well for you and everyone is vaccinated. I go back Sept. 6th. I've negotiated 2-3 days a week in the office, the rest WFH. Fingers crossed. Not looking forward to going back.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see people again, and a change of scenery is always welcome. It's obviously not back to "normal" as there are so few people actually returning, and all the "social distancing" measures in place (every other desk/seat/urinal taped off and "not in use"), but I feel better for it. Jx
DeleteLove the Mash.
ReplyDeleteThey inevitably hit the nail on the head, every time. Jx