Sunday 30 June 2024

A fantabulosa day...

We're still coming down to earth after the sheer exuberance of yesterday's Gay Xmas!

We ventured off from Sal's pub The Shaston Arms (after a Prosecco-and-bacon-butties-breakfast) early enough to bag our "regular" spot on Piccadilly in swanky Mayfair, adjacent to the Burlington Arcade, to watch the parade passing by. The march set off from Hyde Park around midday, so we had some time to kill before it arrived, mainly spent making the most of our position outside Bentley & Skinner (Jewellers by Royal appointment to Her Late Majesty The Queen and His Former Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, now His Majesty The King, no less) and getting numerous selfies taken with gawking tourists and passers by - a trend that continued throughout the day with parade participants, too.

I think "Our Gang done good" with the red, gold and black [this year's theme, as set last autumn] outfits...

Once the parade proper kicked off, and we cheered, shouted, clacked our fans, posed incessantly [who, us??} and generally had a fun time chatting to people on the march and in the crowd, the day itself whooshed by. Before we knew it, we had spent five-and-a-half hours there! No wonder everyone's legs and bladders were under pressure, and so (almost reluctantly) we headed back to the Shaston for a much-needed sit down...

Here are a few highlights from the tremendous parade:

Fantabulosa, indeed!


One of the songs of the day, for your delectation...


  1. The fabulous! The revelry! The gayness! I so happy all my gay friends are enjoying the month long festivals. And your friends and yourself all look ready for a pageant I dare say. A regular three ring circus.

    One down, one to go. The Mistress Maddie had a pride night party, but as not as yet reported in from her jaunt with pride.

    1. Madam Goldberg De-Woofs! What a privilege to have you here... It was indeed a pageant, after a fashion - and yes, we did seem to settle upon a "Greatest Showman" sort-of look... I think it worked.

      Our revelries were probably nothing like as sleazy as Maddie's, but then whose would be? Jx

  2. Looks fun! Glad you had a great time!

  3. I love your brocade tail-coat jacket - I want one like it so much! You look like the circus ring-master! Superb styling.
    I'm glad you had a wonderful day!

    1. I love that tailcoat, too - even if the sleeves are so tight, it was difficult to bend my arms when I first put it on 🤣. Jx

    2. Maybe it is time to pass it on to someone smaller?????! [ME]

    3. Trouble is, tailcoats on small people (ask The Madam) make you look like a grasshopper or a beetle with its wings folded... Jx

  4. August (old friend)would have loved it!

    1. I'm sure whoever he/she is/was would! jX

  5. BRAVA DEARS!!!!!!! You topped last years I do believe! I got back myself later than expected, as I missed my train back to reality. Glad to read a good time was had by all. I even made my toast to your fine campery clan. Everyone was like who? I said- Just raise your glass to a bunch of fabulous, and campy fags in bangles and beads!!!!! They did and we proceeded to make a few toast in the Stonewall to our past heros.

    Also unbeknownst to really was gay Christmas. The Queen Madonna and Kylie Minogue on Pride Island both made performances. I could have peed.

    1. Bless you, sweetie! Hope you share a pic or two so they know who they were toasting. 😍😍

      I saw Madge made a special appearance judging a "ballroom" vogue contest - but Kylie?! Where was she? I know she was on stage at "Outloud" in West Hollywood at the beginning of the month...

      London had Bebe Rexha, apparently. Nope, me neither. Jx


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