Monday 3 June 2024

Now what's right is right but you ain't been right yet

Here we go again...

After the cold and dank of Saturday, with only yesterday being nice enough to enjoy getting outdoors, I feel robbed of a proper weekend! Sigh.

Let's bring out the big guns this Tacky Music Monday to provide our much-needed wake-up call, shall we?

Our Patron Saint of Grrrowling (and Questionable History) Miss Amanda Lear fits the bill nicely:

Have a good week, dear reader.


  1. There is Nothing Tacky about Amanda Lear !
    Well actually; thinking about it......
    Ok you win.

    1. She's faboo, in a kitschy sort-of-way... Jx

  2. As they say in Norway, uff da! And did she sing “what’s right is right but you ain’t SEEN right yet?” Wishing you a sunny weekend to come.

    1. I'm uffing as we speak.

      Miss Lear's diction has always been a source of wonder, but she's French. We forgive her. Jx

  3. I love her voice! I think we'll all be wearing boots by the end the week - Wednesday is looking chilly. There might even be gloves.

    1. We adore Amanda Lear!

      It's forecast to be a bit cooler here, too, but nothing dramatic. Jx

  4. Nothing wrong with a healthy pinch of Amanda Lear on a Monday. Perhaps an Attack of the Amanda's...Amanda Lear, Amanda Lepore, and Amanda Palmer.

  5. I love the wiki entry about her, "born in 1939 or 1941 or 1946 or 1950" what a woman! Another bit of musical/theatrical history I was unaware of, sweetpea! Here's to some sun for all of us this week! xoxo

  6. She's come a long way since Peki de Oslo.

    I've always thought that they was something Hinge and Bracketish about Joan Sanderson too.

    1. Oh yes, Miss Lear's "model and stripper" days. I wonder if she did the full reveal? That might have answered a question or two that everyone still asks...

      Miss Sanderson was a bit "butch" - but we adored the woman! Jx


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