Sunday 16 June 2024

Now c'mon, take a bottle, shake it up

Could that be the sun we see? I wonder how long it will last?

Keeping our fingers crossed for the opportunity to actually get out into the garden, here's a bit of "Sunday Music" courtesy of our "house band" here at Dolores Delargo Towers - it's Def Leppard as you've never heard them before...

We love Postmodern Jukebox!


  1. Postmodern Jukebox make everything sound great!!
    Yes, it might be time to peel off the cardigan.

    1. I've been in shorts and a shirt out there all day! About time, too.

      Got loads done... Jx

  2. I agree! Postmodern Jukebox makes everything sound better! Here's to better weather for you, sweetpea! We're basking in it now! xoxo

    1. We can only dream of basking just yet, Savvy. Jx

  3. I can't say I'm au fait with the Def Leppard original, but this PMJ version is fab!

    1. It's a marked improvement on the original. Of course. Jx

  4. I absolutely love that, Brilliant.
    Lush vocals, fab backing vocals and the Gif dancer didn't stop. She must have been knackered,
    I had never heard the original either (in fact I have only vaguely heard of Def Leppard) until I clicked on the link. It was dreadful. A cheap rip off of We will, we will rock you mixed with a bit of 'Sweet'
    "Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
    Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
    You got mud on your face, you big disgrace"; etc. etc.

    1. Postmodern Jukebox have shown that you can make a silk purse out of a pig's ear.

    2. I somehow guessed that Def Leppard might not be your cup of tea...

      PMJ make brilliant music out of some of the most unexpected sources! Jx


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