Friday 7 June 2024

Get down to the hiphop be-bop-a-lula

Almost there, folks. Almost there...

As another much-needed weekend of fun and frolics hoves into view [and we have another theatre trip to look forward to tomorrow - Jerry's Girls at the Menier Chocolate Factory], we need to get this party started!

Here's a little "blast from the past" - from thirty-three years ago, when House Music ruled the world...

Thank Disco It's Friday!

Have a great one, dear reader...

PS Yes, I have featured it before - as a recipe!


  1. Glad you have a great weekend planned.

  2. Sorry, kiddies, but I'm from the stone age. Stone age Rock, that is.Slide between the legs. Shoulder throws. triple spin and splits finish. Oh...yeah.

  3. Bugger! the link didn't gor through! Probably an old rocker injury!

  4. Being a young slip of a thing, I'm not familiar with the above music, but I do remember Nikki French's Is There Anybody Out There, not one of her best, if she had any bests.

    1. I remember her cover of Total Eclipse of the Heart - and she was the UK entry at Eurovision in 2000!

      She's doing panto these days, no doubt. Jx

  5. Heavens...reminds me of when I used to take my glow sticks into the clubs and dance the night away.

    1. I wasn't exactly a rave type myself - in my heyday, it was all Vicki Sue Robinson, Sharon Redd, Taylor Dayne, Miquel Brown, Hazell Dean, Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Dead or Alive... Jx

  6. I hope you have a wwonderful time at the theatuh.

    1. We're really looking forward to it - Jerry Herman's our second most favourite musicals writer after Sondheim! Jx

  7. Replies
    1. I've done a few of them over the years - not least Blue Monday. Jx

  8. Fab
    House still rules no matter how much they change the name !

    1. In the immortal words of Frankie Knuckles: "House music is Disco's revenge! Disco music is alive and well and living in the hearts of music-lovers around the world. It has simply changed its name to protect the innocent." Jx


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