Thursday 6 June 2024

"What do you think? Gorgeous, huh?"

Very many happy returns to the fantabulosa and multi-talented Harvey Fierstein, who blows out 70 candles on his cake today!

A creative genius of a man - among his triumphs, he wrote and directed (and starred in) the original Torch Song Trilogy on stage and the film adaptation, wrote the book and lyrics for Jerry Herman's La Cage Aux Folles, and the book for Cindi Lauper's triumphal Kinky Boots. On stage, he was the original "Edna Turnblad" in Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman's musical Hairspray, "Tevye" in Fiddler On The Roof, and replaced Douglas Hodge as "Albin/Zaza" in La Cage. On screen, he was in Mrs Doubtfire and Independence Day, episodes of Cheers and Murder She Wrote, and has done numerous voiceovers for the likes of The Simpsons and Mulan. Phew!

Needless to say, we adore him.

Here are a few highlights of the man's talents, starting with one of the best monologues of 'em all...

And finally, as Gay Pride is just around the corner, this:

Harvey Forbes Fierstein (born 6th June 1954)


  1. Happy Birthday, Harvey!!! Probably always beautiful!!

    1. "I think my biggest problem is being young and beautiful. It's my biggest problem because I've never been young and beautiful. Oh, I've been beautiful. And God knows I've been young, but never the twain have met." Jx

  2. I adore him, too. Saw him in Torch Song Trilogy in the ’8s and immediately fell in love.

    1. It was a ground-breaking play/film! He certainly made an impression... Jx

  3. Try as I might, I can't walk in flats
    Love him and his work to bits


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