Tuesday 4 June 2024

The perfect pastime for sexually inadequate failures

Abandoned all hope of getting a shag? Fill your time with one of these cripplingly dull hobbies where your lack of sexual charisma will see you fit right in.

The closest you’ll get to anything you’d describe as a ‘bird’, and deservedly so if you enjoy talking about women like you’ve stepped out of Carry On Up The Khyber. All that money you’re not spending on romantic meals out and sex toys can be used to buy a posh pair of binoculars and if you’re really lucky you might get to spot some avian mating. You pervert.

Even lower down the food chain of tragic male hobbies than trainspotters, bus-spotters spend their time tracking buses across their working service lives through various companies. At least trains retain some of the old fashioned glamour of the golden age of travel. Knowing the fleet number history of a particular Scania OmniTown is not going to get anyone hot for you. And if it does, you must marry her immediately.

Pretending you’re a mystical overlord of destruction using little plastic figurines which you should have grown out of by the time you were 10 is the perfect pastime for sexually inadequate failures. Luckily, the people hanging out with you in the Warhammer shop are like-minded male geeks, so there are no scary females around to intimidate you. It’s a safe space, and discussing the intricacies of the Helican Subsector is much easier than asking a woman if she’d like to go out for a drink with you.

WW2 re-enactment society
You’ve no future to look forward to, at least not in terms of a fulfilling relationship, so why not hark back to the halcyon days of Hitler, ration books and conscription? Women tend not to be so interested in running around a muddy field recreating the Second Battle of the Odon, so you’ve no worries about being distracted from your manoeuvres. And if they are around, they’ll be after the blokes confident and attractive enough to dress up as American GI’s, which will only add to the authenticity of your war experience.

Internet forums
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of not getting a shag, as the more hours you plough in online, the more likely you are to meet fellow incels who convince you the reason you haven’t had sex for three years is because women are evil and not because you spend all your time on a cryptocurrency forum. Take a break and touch grass, as you no doubt tell other terminally online saddos to do several times a day.

Watching cricket
Leave going to football matches to proper men with wives and girlfriends and immerse yourself in a sport so fucking tedious that half the players could lie down for a kip mid-contest and nobody would notice. It lasts all day, which means you at least get out of the house for a bit, and there is little worry of the woman sitting next to you giving you a spontaneous hug at a moment of high drama or excitement. Because there aren’t any.

The Daily Mash

Of course.


  1. Ah..... bird watching. Nothing like watching a engorged bird come to life and stand up. The one kind of bird watching has given me hours of pleasures and has also gotten me in trouble. Some don't tell you they have a partner!!!!

  2. I've got a similar hobby, it's much more fun than any of the above, I don't know what you would call it, I have a black book almost full with car registrations numbers that I've taken at the dogging area it goes something like this:

    YY69COX Audi Black Y GL LFF but SWLYSH *****
    YX69FUX Toyota Red TR OL SB GWA U
    DAZ 69 BMW Blue BC FT ***

    Y - Young
    GL - Good looking
    LLF - Looking for Fanny
    SWLYSH - Straight will Let you suck him
    TR- Tranny
    OL- Old
    SB - Spunk Bucket
    BC - Big Cock
    GWA - Goes with anyone
    U - Ugly
    FT - Fat
    ***** star rating out of 5

    On Sunday afternoon a transvestite, who bore a striking resemblance to Zelda from the Terrahawks walked past my car and shamelessly hitched-up her tartan mini skirt and what I saw will disturb me for the rest of my life, she had duct taped her buttocks wide open, her massive gaping hole that could easily have taken 3 shredded wheat was on display.

    1. Now that beats stamp collecting! (Apart from the Zelda-with-the-hole...) Jx

  3. And it's....Mitzi for the win!

    1. Who could compete? Jx

    2. I'm grateful I don't eat shredded wheat - who knows where it's been.

  4. Oh. I rather like cricket. Which explains a lot, really...

    1. "Oh God, if there be cricket in heaven, let there also be rain." - Alec Douglas-Home


  5. Spot on as always and at last one that I do not fall into any one of the groups

    1. Hahahaha! That's only because they didn't have "fanatical collector of recipe books" on the list... Jx


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