Thursday 27 June 2024

There's nothing new under the sun...

As our countdown to Pride on Saturday continues, here's a little reminder to all those benighted yoof who think they've invented "gender fluidity" [whatever that actually means] that people were inverting the sexes a long, long time ago - and singing about it!

And then, there's this classic:

On a related note, the ever-wonderful, uber-camp musical genius that was George Melly had a particular fascination for the filthy innuendo of a genre of music known as "Dirty Blues", and recorded many of those songs - some orginally sung by women - like this Bessie Smith number from 1931:

"It's all just a little bit of history repeating!"


  1. Are they shirt lifters or skirt lifters? The one on the left has got a lazy eye. I wouldn't recommend playing them all at the same time, it doesn't sound very nice, playing them individually doesn't sound very nice either.

    1. I believe they're lebianicals, but it is difficult to tell,

      Sorry you didn't like the music, Mitzi! It is more-or-less 100 years old, I suppose. Jx

  2. My wish for the world? That EVERONE can be comfortable in his/her skin. At least now it's not illegal.

    1. Not illegal in many countries - but there's a lot of places where it still is, so the battle continues... Jx


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