Tuesday 25 June 2024

Back to nature, it's human nature

Fancy a dip?

Phew. What a scorcher!

It's forecast to hit 29C/85F here in London today. Let's hope for a breeze, otherwise that's going to be quite a muggy experience.

As the countdown to Pride on Saturday continues, by happy coincidence it would have been dear George Michael's birthday today - and he has some salient advice for a sultry summer day...

[I make no apologies for posting that again - I love it!]

We still miss you, Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou (25th June 1963 - 25th December 2016)


  1. Was there a video. For some reason my screen got stuck on the GIFs. If I stare long enough I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

  2. Nothing brings a slut to heel quicker than a hot groin rub.

  3. I should have stay at the seaside. 29C/85F. I'd take that. It's been in the high 90's and almost 100 one day. The garden is surviving...but the unfortunate Fushia have seen better days and are barely hanging on as they gasp for air.

    1. I'd prefer to be at the seaside myself in these temperatures - especially if there was a lifeguard like that on offer..! Jx

  4. Probably better to stay inside!! The temperatures aren't anything special in the South West - warmer, muggy - I might take my vest off today though!

    1. It's lovely to have the sun on the skin, but city heat can be a bit oppressive. I had to shower as soon as I got home last night. Vest? Ha! Jx

  5. George Michael! rom the days of Wham! he was always a favorite of mine. xoxo

    1. Mine too. Just imagine, however - there were people who were shocked when he came out as gay! Jx


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