Monday 17 June 2024

Wicked and sinful

Sigh. Here we go again. Another lovely week's work beckons...

Thankfully, on this Tacky Music Monday, dear reader, we have a Patron Saint and birthday girl to save us...

"This life may be wicked and sinful and bad
But it's certainly my cup of tea!"

Amen, sister!

Beryl Elizabeth Reid, OBE (17th June 1919 – 13th October 1996)

Have a good week, folks.

[More Beryl here and here]


  1. Adorable and adored there will never be another.
    Surprising she isn't on our wall of fame. We will have to go shopping but at least I have her cookery book; 'Food and Friends'
    She was a master of comedy, tragedy, monologues and as we see in this fab video clip singing.
    Happy Birthday and RIP. Beryl

  2. A fine example of her talent. I love this.

    1. She was amazing - and so ahead of her time! Jx

  3. Aww bless'er. She was the brainy woman on Blankety-Blank as well.
    This is delightfully non-tacky!!
    Have a good week!

    1. As you well know, "Tacky Music Mondays" are not always as tacky as all that. Just most of the time.

      Gosh. Blankety-Blank. Now we're going back a few years - especially considering Beryl died in 1996, so it would have been during the Terry Wogan years! Jx

  4. Heavens, I haven't heard that name in ages. It's not too bad this Monday bad can it be, it's only going to be a 3-day work week before I depart to the seaside.

    1. You probably last heard her name here! 🤩

      You and your holidays, Mads... Jx

  5. I always get Beryl Reid and Rosalind Knight mixed up. I think it's because Rosalind played a Beryl in "Gimme Gimme Gimme"?

    1. Worlds apart, dear, worlds apart. You whipper-snapper, you! Jx

  6. Voulez vous un morso de Dundee cake?
    I remember her from Moon Cat.

    1. Lordy. Never heard of "Moon Cat", so I looked it up. Beryl was in it between 1981 and 1983; just about the time I left school and discovered pubs, clubs, drinking and smoking. Thus, telly at that time was certainly not "children's", if at all. Jx


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