Saturday 29 June 2024

And let the fun begin...

Yes, it's Gay Pride Day!! Yayyyyyy!!

Only one more song to play, really (it's traditional):


  1. Josh Young... what a voice! I love Broadway Backwards. Happy Day!

    1. He's rather good - and rather cute, to boot..! Jx

  2. Oh, that's peculiar - I was alerted to a new post on you blog because I had an email notification that read:-
    Moving with Mitchell said: Josh Young... what a voice! I love Broadway Backwards. Happy Day!

    I have come to say - Have a fabulous day, Sweetie!!

    1. Bizarrely, MItch's comment went to junk (restored to its rightful place now) - so you weren't imagining it, Ms Scarlet!

      Needless to say, we did indeed have a fabulous day... Jx

  3. I expect you're in the thick of it now, Jon - having far too much (yet, still not enough) fun!

    P.S. I don't approve of Mr Young's smoked salmon jacket. It must stink under those lights. Those poor Safety Gays!

    1. At 12.55, we were indeed in the thick of it - and we were still cheering and waving on the parade (and having our photos taken hundreds of times) for quite a few hours after that, to boot! Jx

      PS "Smoked salmon jacket"? Just wait till you see our outfits!

  4. What a wonderful tune. I'm glad you had such a good tine.


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