Saturday 8 June 2024

One o'clock news

RIP, Nicholas Ball aka Hazell. A long-distant "secret crush" when I was a teenager...

Another "snippets post" today, dear reader:

And now, the weather: Flaming June?! My arse.


  1. I love Wallace and Gromit! I looked for you at the wedding. We all missed you.

    1. Wallace and Gromit are a joy! [And the penguin's making a return, too...]

      I was tempted to don a frock and a stupid hat and try and sneak in as one of the minor Royals, but I thought bugger that - who wants to go all the way to Chester just for that..? Jx

  2. Gail's leaving Coronation Street? What about her hair? Is that going too??

    1. I expect her hair to have pride of place in the Coronation Street museum, alongside Phyllis Pearce's blue rinse. Jx

  3. They say this is normal for Flaming June - if so, then how come it got the tag 'Flaming'?
    Meanwhile, my hair understudies for Gail's hair if it's left to its own devices - does this mean it's out of a job????

    1. Flamin' awful, that's what it is! Torrential rain showers here... And cold.

      As for your hair's pending redundancy, I am sure Shirley Carter might have a vacancy... Jx

  4. Sad new news about Nicholas Ball.
    Olivia Henson is a lucky girl. she chose the Fabergé Myrtle Leaf Tiara for her wedding but could have used the Bagration tiara, the Rosebery Tiara, the Westminster Halo Tiara amongst others
    Victoria Wood's statue being knocked over, she would have found that funny. Was the taxi driver on the Gin !

    1. We saw all those tiaras at the V&A's exhibition way back in - gulp - 2002!


      PS Yes, I imagine Victoria Wood may have had a quip or two to say about her statue's unceremonious knocking off...


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